
I need help knowing where to start

It’s pretty easy to notice when something in your home isn’t the way you would like. Figuring out how to start fixing it once you’ve identified the issue is the hard part. But you’re in luck – Dr. Energy Saver has the tools to help you figure out the best place to start.

One of the rooms in my house is always a different temperature than the rest.

You have noticed the temperature difference when walking from one room to the next. So far your solution has been to either add or remove clothing to be more comfortable. This is great to help you temporarily be more comfortable, but it doesn’t actually fix the issue.

The best place for any homeowner to start is to call an expert and have them come out and identify what’s causing the issue. Most homeowners automatically think this is a lack of insulation. That may be the issue or it could be the ducts for the room are leaking. Dr. Energy Saver will run a series of sophisticated diagnostics to identify what exactly is the cause of you room being a different temperature.

Contact us today to schedule a free estimate for home insulation in Easton, MD and neighboring cities and towns throughout Delmarva!

My allergies are worse when at home than when I am outside or at work.

Studies say you spend 70% of your time within your home. You try to keep the dust away, but it just keeps coming back. If you have a dirt crawlspace, chances are this is how a majority of the dust is entering your home. Having a properly encapsulated crawlspace will seal your home off from dust and moisture making your home’s air quality drastically better.

Dust and moisture rising up from your crawlspace are most likely the biggest contributor to your household allergies.


Another way to reduce the dust entering your home is to have your attic properly sealed. Dust can enter your attic through small crevices and settle down into your home. Our inspectors know exactly how to look for these hard to see spaces.

When my heater and air conditioner are on they don’t seem to be making a difference.

There is a chance your HVAC system is not properly sized to your home. It is easier and more cost effective for home building contractors to determine the size of the HVAC system installed based off the smallest or largest square footage available. This is usually true for homes being built in a development. For the contractor, this saves time and money because the installers only need to know how to install one type/size system and they get a discount for buying in bulk.

The only way for you to be certain is have one of our certified inspectors come out and inspect your home.


If you live in the New Castle, Salisbury, Middletown, Cambridge, Milford, Smyrna, Laurel, Princess Anne, Chestertown or surrounding areas we can help!

About the author

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Christian Nelsen
Software Developer
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Lawson Home Services
115 Atlantic Avenue
Milton, DE 19968
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