
Energy Debate: Energy Efficiency Vs Energy Supply

There has been a lot of debate online regarding the president’s recent discussion about energy in 

Save Energy in DE and MD with Dr. Energy Saver


Here’s the debate:

Do we focus on making better energy sources or do we focus on being more efficient?

Some are saying we should put more focus on the type of energy we use and where it is we get our supply. Others say we should focus on energy efficiency. Unfortunately, the debate is difficult to follow when both sides are making their argument using unfamiliar terms and descriptions.

I had to read some of the articles a few times just to know what the debaters felt was most important – efficiency or supply. In all actuality we need both. However, efficiency should be the first concern because without it, the energy supply we use will not do any good.

Energy efficient homes are happy homes

Making a home energy efficient makes it happier for two reasons – the home is more comfortable and healthier. These energy efficient upgrades help in many ways:

  • Air sealing: sealing the right areas of the home will reduce the amount of allergens and asthma triggers entering and will provide proper air circulation. It also helps reduce the amount of wasted energy.
  • Crawlspace encapsulation: using a full encapsulation system, like Dr. Energy Saver’s CleanSpace® System, will provide three big benefits. Your floors will be less cold in the winters. The wood under the home will be dry enough to prevent mold and termites. And lastly critters, allergens, and asthma triggers will be stopped from entering up through the floor of your home.
  • Duct cleaning and repair: cleaning your ducts will help reduce the amount of dust being blown through your home. Dust, dirt and debris can enter your ducts through gaps that are not properly sealed. Dr. Energy Saver can properly seal ducts and offer the most effective way to insulate.
  • Insulation: proper insulation will keep the air you pay for where it is supposed to be, in your living space. The most practical place to start insulating is your attic. This will offer you the most noticeable difference and installation will impact your day to day life the least.
  • HVAC:a properly sized system is one of the most important parts of a comfortable home. If the HVAC system is too large or too small you could have cold or hot spots at any given moment. Not only should you look at the size of your system, but also at you thermostat. A programmable one makes your home the right temperature for when you are there and when you are out.

Contact us today to schedule your free estimate and home checkup! Our certified inspectors will let you know how we can make you more efficient and comfortable, all while improving the health of your home. We specialize in home insulation in  Salisbury, MD and all surrounding cities throughout the Delmarva area- including Wilmington, DE and more!

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115 Atlantic Avenue
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