
What are your New Year’s resolutions?

Most people make resolutions to go to the gym more often or to be nicer to people. While these are all great, many find it hard to keep them going past February. So we came up with a few that we think will be easy to keep and take minimal effort in the beginning of the year.

As you prepare for the new year, make a resolution you can keep with a home comfort and energy checkup from Dr. Energy Saver!

     1.  Be selfish.

You have worked hard this past year and spent your money on heat or air conditioning and only noticed a little relief from this expense. Be selfish and force that air to stay in your home by adding insulation and having proper air sealing throughout your home. These two things will help make your home more comfortable and could offer drastic savings on your energy bills.

     2.  Don’t settle.

Do you find that even with the heater on you still feel the need to put on a sweater because you’re too cold? If so, you are settling for inefficient equipment and air sealing. How about your air conditioner? Does it run and you still need to put an ice cube on your neck because you couldn’t bear the thought of lowering the temperature on your thermostat? DON’T SETTLE! A radiant barrier added to your attic will reflect the heat from the sun away from your house, helping to cool down your attic and the rest of the home. This means you won’t need to lower the temperature on your air conditioner in the warmer months just to be comfortable.

     3.  Be healthier.

Are you or is anyone you know always sick? You can blame it on poor diet, lack of activity, or other people, but the truth is it could be your home’s fault. A home that is not properly sealed or insulated, or doesn’t have a properly encapsulated crawlspace could be seriously affecting your health. This is where Sick Home Syndrome gets its origins. Dr. Energy Saver has the tools to help prevent your home from getting worse and improve your health with one of our free checkups.

These are just some resolutions you could make that are easy to keep going and offer a great return for you in the long run. And the best news is Dr. Energy Saver can help you achieve your resolutions. Contact us today for a free checkup and price estimate!

About the author

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Christian Nelsen
Software Developer
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